$4 million available to support projects in WA timber communities

The Western Australian Government has launched the $4 million Community Small Grants Fund to support businesses and community groups based in Western Australia’s native forest regions.

The $4 million Community Small Grants Fund offers funding of up to $100,000 for sustainable projects that aim to create jobs, expand and diversify the local economy, and create liveable communities through services, infrastructure, tourism and events.

The Community Small Grants Fund will be delivered through two competitive grant rounds each comprising of $2 million.

The Native Forest Transition plan was developed in consultation with the Native Forestry Transition Group, made up of industry, workforce, Government, and community representatives.

Since September 2021, the WA Government has committed $80 million to support the transition of workers, businesses, and communities linked to the native forest industry.

The WA Government has also invested a record $350 million in new softwood plantations across the South-West, which will create and support WA forestry jobs.

The decision to end native forest logging from 2024 saves an additional 400,000 hectares of karri, jarrah and wandoo forests, resulting in the protection of almost two million hectares of native forest for future generations.

The first funding round for the Community Small Grants Fund opens on Monday, 20 February and closes on Sunday, 21 April 2023.

Workshops to support potential applicants will take place in early March in Manjimup, Nannup and Bridgetown.

For more information on the Community Small Grants Fund and how to apply, visit the website.