Grants available for hunters

New projects to promote safe, responsible and sustainable hunting can apply for a new grant program.

Victorian Minister for Agriculture Mary-Anne Thomas has announced grants are available through the $5.3 million Sustainable Hunting Action Plan 2021-2024 (SHAP) to fund a range of activities, which will maximise the benefits of hunting for the environment, economy, regional communities and hunters.

Eligible projects could include regional game food events, habitat restoration, conservation projects, hunter education or research.

Individual grants of up to $80,000 are now available to enhance game habitats, increase knowledge of game species and grow the industry.

The Vic Government’s Sustainable Hunting Action Plan supports licenced game hunters to increase the popularity of hunting, improve animal welfare, undertake research and increase the role of Traditional Owners in managing the land where hunting takes place.

The Sustainable Hunting Grants are now open for applications until 24 June.

Information is available from