Kirra Hill stabilisation works on the Gold Coast

Stabilisation works, including a catch fence, to protect pedestrians, cyclists and visitors from landslides and rock slips on Kirra Hill are set to begin on the Gold Coast.

City of Gold Coast will start work in August to help reduce erosion, the risk of landslips and rockfalls while preserving the headland.

Division 14 councillor Gail O’Neill said the works came after the City of Gold Coast conducted a geotechnical investigation which found stabilisation works are required to reduce the risk of a landslip, rockfall and erosion following a series of rock falls on Kirra Hill in 2020 and 2021 and several landslips before 2004.

“Kirra Hill is one of the southern Gold Coast’s great natural assets, and this work is aimed at making sure it remains that way for the years to come,” Cr O’Neill said.

“The project will ensure the safety of people as they go about their daily lives and explore the area.”

The works will include the installation of mesh and anchors to stop rocks from falling, shotcrete treatment in some small areas, vegetation clearing, removal of boulders and landscaping with native vegetation.

A rock catch fence will also be put up at the base of the slope.

Existing large trees will be retained when the vegetation is cleared.

R T Peak Memorial Park, the car park and recreational facilities will be temporarily closed during the work and Marine Parade reduced to one lane for a short time with a traffic light installed.

The works will also mean the Marine Parade bus stop may be temporarily moved and some car parks on Marine Parade will not be available.

Pedestrians will still be able to access the area.

“In the long run, these works are going to reduce erosion of the headland from severe weather, stabilise and preserve the headland, reduce the risk of landslip or rock fall and, importantly, increase the safety for road users, cyclists, and pedestrians,” Cr O’Neill said.

The first stage of the work is expected to be completed in November, weather permitting.